The purpose of this article is to set forth the
approach to diagnosing and managing the thalassemias, including
thalassemia intermedia and thalassemia
major. The article begins by briefly describing
recent advances in our understanding of the pathophysiology of thalassemia. In
our description of treatment strategies, we focus on how a pediatrician deal
with clinical manifestations and long term complications using the most
effective current treatment methods for thalassemia. The discussion of disease management
focuses on the use of transfusion therapy and the newly developed oral iron
chelators, deferiprone and deferasirox, especially combination of the chelator
drugs. We also discusses with splenectomy
and how a pediatrician manage endocrinopathies
and cardiac complications. In addition, we describe the use of
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, which has produced cure rates as high
as 97%, and the use of cord blood transplantation.
More recently, major advances have being made in the discovery of critical
modifier genes, such as Myb and especially
BCL11A (B cell lymphoma 11A), a master regulator of HbF (fetal
hemoglobin) and hemoglobin switching. Finally, the year 2010 has brought in the
first successful experiment of gene therapy in a ß-thalassemia
patient, opening up the perspective of a
generalized cure for all ß-
thalassemia patients.
Thalassemias, a group
of autosomal recessive disorders resulting from reduced or
absent production of β-globin
chains from the β-globin locus, are
very heterogeneous at the molecular level 1,2
More than 200 disease-causing mutations have been described to date. The large
majority of mutations are simple nucleotide substitutions or deletions or
insertions of oligonucleotides leading to frame shift. Rarely the β-thalassemias
are the result of gross gene deletions. Homozygosity for β-thalassemia
usually leads to the severe transfusion dependent phenotype of thalassemia
The pathology is characterized by decreased
Hb production and red blood cell (RBC) survival, resulting from the excess of
unaffected globin chain, which form unstable homotetramers that precipitate as
inclusion bodies. Alfa- Homotetramers in ß-thalassemia
are more unstable than ß-homotetramers
in alfa- thalassemia and therefore precipitate earlier in the RBC life span,
causing marked RBC damage and severe hemolysis associated with ineffective
erythropoiesis (IE) and extramedullary hemolysis.3 Ineffective
erythropoiesis results in expanded marrow cavities that impinge on normal bone
and cause istortion of the cranium, and of facial and long bones. In addition,
erythroid activity proliferates in extramedullary hematopoietic sites, causing
extensive lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and, in some cases,
extramedullary tumors.4 Over the last 3 decades,
profound improvements in the management have been observed. The development of regular
transfusion therapy and iron chelation has dramatically improved the quality of
life. It has
transformed thalassemia from a rapidly
fatal disease to a chronic disease compatible with prolonged survival. Today,
the life expectancy of patients with thalassemia major has increased from 25
years to over 55 years, mainly due to aggressive transfusion support and
chelation coupled with patients’ compliance with medical treatment.5
In developing world, especially Bangladesh,
poor availability of proper medical care, safe and adequate red blood cell transfusions
together with high cost and poor compliance with chelation therapy remain major
obstacles. Despite the increased life expectancy of thalassemia, complications
keep arising. These relate to inadequate transfusions, transfusion related
viral diseases, allo-sensitization, iron overload related endocrinopathy, liver
and cardiac diseases as well as toxicities of iron chelators. These make conventional treatment
of thalassemia difficult and often fatal. Splenectomy is rare in western world,
but it is needed in many patients in Bangladesh, essentially due to
inadequate transfusions leading to hypersplenism.
Since 1982, hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation (HSCT) has become an alternative modality of treatment.6 It is the only available procedure that
may lead to cure. Recently, it has also been demonstrated that cord blood is as
effective as, and possibly safer than, bone marrow for transplantation for
paediatric patients. On the other hand there were hopes for the corrective gene
therapy. None of the
procedures are conducted in Bangladesh.
Technological development and researches regarding the recent developments
of Thalassemia management are not promising
in Bangladesh.
Treatment of ß--thalassemia
In ß-thalassemia
intermidia patients whose ferritin levels are well above 500 g/dL, monitoring
of iron excess using only serum ferritin is insufficient,7 and we recommend annual assessments of
liver iron concentration (LIC) by liver biopsy or by the more recently applied
noninvasive T2* magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)8 Iron chelation therapy is warranted when LIC exceeds
5-7 mg/g dry weight and to prevent serious endocrine and cardiac complications
similar to those seen in ß-thalassemia
Major(TM) patients. Monitoring for splenomegaly and hypersplenism
is mandatory as a possible indication of the need for splenectomy.
Management of ß--thalassemia
major (TM)
Transfusion therapy
The decision to initiate a regular
transfusion program in a child newly diagnosed with thalassemia must take into
account both laboratory and clinical findings. If the child is growing poorly
and has developed facial or other bone abnormalities, and/or
when Hb levels are
< 7 g/dL, regular transfusions will be
beneficial.4 Confounding factors that might aggravate the
degree of anemia, including folic acid deficiency and acute febrile illness,
blood loss, or coinheritance of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, need
to be addressed simultaneously with transfusion therapy. Before the first
transfusion, patients’ RBCs are typed for Rh and ABO antigens. At the same
time, cytomegalovirus status should be obtained when there is a possibility of
curative stem cell transplantation (SCT). Parents and first-degree relatives
should not be blood donors for these candidates. Hepatitis B vaccination
is given before transfusion therapy, as is
hepatitis A vaccine when age apropriate.4,9
Transfusions of washed, leukocyte-depleted RBCs are recommended for all
the patients to reduce the incidence of febrile and urticarial reactions as
well as infectious cytomegalovirus contamination. If they are not available,
frozen thawed RBCs should be administered. Once a pretransfusion Hb level > 9-10 g/dL is
achieved, transfusions are administered
monthly in infancy and subsequently at 2- to 4-week intervals.10,11. In clinically stable patients, ˜
8-15 mL RBCs per kilogram of body weight can be infused over a
span of 1-2 hours at each transfusion event.
If Hb levels are _
5 g/dL and/or in the presence of heart failure, smaller aliquots
of RBCs (5 mL/kg) should be administered to prevent volume overload until the
Hb level is gradually increased to 9 g/dL. A clinical record of all transfusion
events should be monitored annually to identify hypersplenism. A record of
the amount of blood transfused at each visit,
and the pretransfusion Hb level is needed to calculate the annual transfusion
Cardiac complications
Cardiac failure and serious arrhythmias are
the major causes of life-threatening morbidity and mortality in iron-overload
patients.13 Before the
availability of chelation therapy, cardiac disease was inevitable during the
second decade and still occurs in older patients or those who are poorly
compliant with chelation therapy.14
Therefore, cardiac function is monitored annually beginning at 7 or 8 years of
age by electrocardiogram,
echocardiogram, 24-hour Holter monitor, and recently by cardiac T2* MRI, which
can detect preclinical cardiac iron accumulation.15
Thalassemia patients are susceptible to
benign pericarditis, possibly caused by viral and mycoplasmal organisms,
bacterial or fungal infections, or associated with the engraftment syndrome in
posttransplantation thalassemic patients.16
“Iron-induced” pericardial siderosis has also been postulated as a
causative factor.17 Diagnosis
is made by history and physical signs and is
confirmed with serial electrocardiograms and chest x-ray and requires
hospitalization if they are symptomatic. Pericarditis is best managed with bed
rest and aspirin. Steroids may be helpful with engraftment syndrome and iron
chelation with hemosiderosis. When a significantly large pericardial effusion
is present, the patient should be hospitalized
and observed. Pericardiocentesis and
diuretics are recommended to prevent cardiac tamponade.18 Surgical intervention may be necessary if
significant pericardial effusions recur.
After the initiation of a regular transfusion
program from an early age, splenomegaly may be averted, but hypersplenism may
nonetheless develop, usually in children between 5 and 10 years of age. The therapeutic
rationale for splenectomy, particularly in patients with growth retardation and
poor health, is to protect against the development of extramedullary
hematopoiesis by improving the Hb level, decreasing the transfusion
requirement, and consequently reducing iron overload (IO).19,20 Therefore, we recommend splenectomy
when the calculated annual transfusion requirement is _
200 to 220 mL RBCs/kg per year with a hematocrit of 70% (equal to
250-275 mL/kg per year of packed RBCs with a hematocrit of 60%).21,22 The susceptibility to overwhelming
infections after splenectomy
can be reduced by immunization with
pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccines before splenectomy and antimicrobial prophylaxis
with penicillin after splenectomy. Fever over 38° (101°F) developing in
splenectomized patients with no focus of
infection requires immediate intravenous
broad-spectrum antibiotics. However, before recommending splenectomy, one
should bear in mind that, in a recent evaluation of 584 patients with TI, significantly
higher rates of complications were documented in splenectomized patients.13
Newer complications
Newer and previously less often described complications
have now been well-recognised. These include :
• Hypercoagulable
• Osteoporosis
• Hepatocellular
• Psychosocial
Hypercoagulable state
Because improvements in the medical
management of patients with TM and TI have resulted in significant prolongation
of life, previously undescribed complications are now being seen. These include
the existence of a hypercoagulable state, particularly in splenectomized
patients with TI who do not receive regular transfusions.23,24 Prothrombotic hemostatic anomalies,
including low levels of coagulation inhibitors, such as protein C and protein S
as well as thrombocytosis and platelet activation, have also been observed in
these patients.25,26 However,
until now, there are no recommendations based on clinical trials regarding if,
when, or for whom prophylactic antithrombotic
treatment is indicated
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) can
complicate liver cirrhosis secondary both to iron overload and viral infections.
Italians have published 22 cases of HCC in thalassemia major, 15 of them were
males and the mean age of diagnosis was 45 ± 11 years.13 Eighty-six percent were
infected by hepatitis-C virus and majority were
diagnosed after 1993, suggesting that the
problem is becoming more frequent with the aging population of thalassemia
Although RBC transfusions suppress IE, making
skeletal abnormalities less common today than in the past, bone health in
thalassemia patients must be monitored to identify age-related low bone mass. Nearly
90% of TM patients, including 30% of those younger than 12 years, have low bone
mass Z-score (< 2.0).28 For this eason,
beginning in childhood, yearly studies that
include bone mineral density as well as studies of calcium, vitamin D3
metabolism, and thyroid and parathyroid function should be performed..
Administration of pamidronate has shown a significant increase in BMD of the
lumber spine and it is now recommended that pamidronate at a monthly dose of 30
mg is an effective treatment for thalassaemic osteoporosis.29 Alternative treatment includes zolendronic
acid in the dose of 1 mg as short I.V. infusion once every 3 months
Psychosocial problems
With most of thalassemia major patients
achieving adolescence, psycho-social support has become an extremely important
part of patient and family management. There is a great need of meeting a
genetic counselor at regular intervals. Unfortunately, there is no formal
programme on this front in Bangladesh
Oral iron chelators
In cases of ongoing transfusion therapy, with each
RBC unit containing ≈200 mg of iron, cumulative iron burden is an inevitable consequence.
In TI and TM patients, the rate of transfusional and GI tract iron accumulation
is generally 0.3-0.6 mg/kg per day.30
Increased GI tract iron absorption can result from
severe anemia and IE, which down-regulate the synthesis of hepcidin, a protein that
controls iron absorption from the GI tract and increases release of recycled
iron from macrophages.31-32 To date, there are 3 major classes of iron chelators:
hexadentate (deferoxamine [DFO], Desferal),
bidentate (deferiprone, L1
[DFP]), and tridentate (deferasirox [DFX], Exjade) (Table-1).
Table 1. Comparison of the 3 leading
iron-chelating drugs in the management of thalassemia
Molecular weight,
Da 657
Chelating properties
Recommended dose per day
75-100 mg/kg
Subcutaneous or intravenous 8-12 h, 5-7 d/wk
Oral 3
times daily
Oral once daily
1.5-4 h
40%-60% fecal
Adverse effects
Ocular, auditory toxicity, growth
retardation, local
reactions, allergy
Gastrointestinal upset, arthralgia,
Gastrointestinal upset, rash, ocular,
auditory toxicity,
reversible increases in creatinine, hepatitis
Source : Eliezer A. Rachmilewitz and Patricia J.
Giardina. BLOOD,
Efficacy of Iron Chelators
The purpose of an effective iron
chelation therapy is to prevent or reduce body iron accumulation. In regularly
transfused patients the rate of iron accumulation, originated from destroyed
senescent red cells, is 0.3-0.5 mg/kg/day. Therefore, a chelator should be able
to remove at least this amount of iron to minimize the risk of iron-induced
Several studies have shown that DFP,
at comparable doses has an efficacy similar to that of DFO, and that iron
excretion increases with the dose and with the degree of iron overload .33,34 DFP at appropriate doses is able to
decrease or stabilize body iron as assessed by sequential serum ferritin or liver
iron concentration, despite repeated RBC transfusions.35-37 Several independent studies have shown
that DFP is more effective than DFO in removing cardiac iron, improving cardiac
function and reducing mortality for cardiac disease.38-40 The
greater efficacy of DFP in emoving
excess cardiac iron may be due to some pharmacochemical characteristics of DFP, such as low molecular
weight, neutral charge and lipophilicity, which facilitate myocyte membrane
crossing and chelation of intracellular iron.41
Deferiprone and Deferoxamine
DFP and DFO can be given to the same patient
with different regimes: in ombination on the same day, either simultaneously
(i.e. DFP given before breakfast, lunch and dinner and DFO infused during the
day) or sequentially (i.e. DFP as above and DFO infused overnight), or as
alternate treatment (i.e. one or the other chelator is given on different days).
Combination therapy is considered an intensive chelation regimen and usually
DFP is administered every day, while subcutaneous DFO is given 2 to 7
days/week, according to the severity of iron overload. In patients with heart failure,
to reinforce chelation, DFO can be given intravenously 24 h/day. The potential advantages
of the combined chelation are reported in Table 2. Several single case reports and
prospective studies have shown that combined intensive chelation is effective
in reducing cardiac siderosis and in improving cardiac function in patients
with severe heart iron overload and heart failure.42-45
A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind study suggested that in
comparison to the standard chelation
with DFO, combination therapy with
DFO and DFP, was able reduce myocardial iron
(ratio of change in cardiac T2*
geometric means 1.5 in combined therapy vs 1.24 in DFO monotherapy, P=0.02) and
improve LVEF (2.6% vs 0.6%
P=0.05).52 In a study from Greece,
reversal of endocrine complications, with very intensive combined chelation
(DFP 75-100 mg/kg/day and DFO 20-60 mg/kg/day), has been reported.46
More recently, in a large long-term
(5 years of follow-up), multicenter study, 213 patients were randomized to receive
DFO for 4 days/week and DFP for the
remaining 3 days, or DFP monotherapy
for 7 days/week 47 In the alternating
treatment group serum ferritin showed a significant reduction (P= 0.005) as
compared to DFP group. DFO monotherapy versus DFP monotherapy, alternate or
combined DFO-DFP regimes, have been evaluated in another long-term multicenter,
randomized trial including 265 patients.48
None of the patients on DFP alone or in combined treatment died, one death
occurred with alternate treatment and 10 deaths with DFO treatment.
Table 2. Potential advantages of
combination therapy.
*Access to different iron pools
*Greater efficacy
*Dose decrease® toxicity decrease
*Chelation of toxic free iron
*Better tolerability and compliance
Dsferasirox and Deferoxamine association:
Preliminary promising results have
been obtained with iron balance studies, which evaluated the total (i.e. fecal
and urinary) iron excretion, in three patients treated with DFX and DFO in combination.49 Total iron excretion was synergistic (i.e.
higher than the sum of iron excretion obtained with each single drug) in two
patients, but less than additive in the third patient, who responded the best
to both drugs individually. Alternating treatment with DFO and DFX resulted to
be safe and effective in two retrospective studies including a limited number
of patients.50, 51
Cure of Thalassemia: hematopoietic Stem Cell
Transplantation (SCT)
The first curative allogeneic SCT to a
thalassemia patient from an human leukocyte antigen (HLA) identical sibling
donor was reported in 1982.79 Since then, >3000
successful transplantations have been reported.52
The probability of overall event-free survival has been recently reported as
high as 89%-97% for patients with no
advanced disease and of 80%-87% for patients
with advanced disease.53
There are several
risk factors, including hepatomegaly >
2 cm, portal fibrosis, and inadequate iron chelation therapy, that
can influence the outcome of SCT.
Approximately 10% of SCT patients are
transfusion-free for years, although they experience persistent mixed
hematopoietic chimerism.54 This
suggests that only a few engrafted donor cells are sufficient for correction of
donor phenotype. Approximately 30% subsequently reject their grafts.55 Those who deteriorate and
require further transfusion support may
benefit from a second transplantation with nonmyeloblative conditioning to
restore normal Hb levels.54
Another option is
to use matched unrelated donor if a matched sibling is not available or when
patients are not compliant with conventional therapy.. However, 40% developed
GVHD and a third had chronic GVHD.56 A few patients who failed the first transplantation
underwent a second transplantation.
Cord blood
The potential benefits of umbilical cord
blood (UCB) treatment are the low risk of viral contamination from a graft, the
decreased incidence of acute and chronic GVHD, and easier accessibility. The small
size or small number of stem cells in the UBC collection relative to the number
required for engraftment are probably the main causes of failure of UCB
transplantation; therefore, this procedure is being used mainly in pediatric
patients.57 The use of UCB from
unrelated donors has resulted in only 77% survival and 65% event-free survival,
respectively, in 36 thalassemia
The experience with UCB transplantation is encouraging, but additional data are
required for definitive conclusions.
On the basis of all the available data to
date, we think that every patient with a severe form of thalassemia should be
offered the option for SCT. Although SCT is the only curative available, its
use is still limited in other developing country because of the relatively high
cost and the difficulty in identifying suitable donors. In Bangladesh it is not using at all
due to available Bone Marrow Transplant center.
therapies for Thalassemia Patients
Fetal Hb inducers :
For many years, a major therapeutic goal has
been to decrease the severity of anemia in Beta-thalassemia
patients by the pharmacologic enhancement of the fetal globin gene expression
to increase gama-globin
chain production that would improve the excess Alfa-chain
imbalance. Several drugs, including erythropoietin, demethylating agents, such
as 5-azacytidine, and short chain fatty acids, such as
butyrate, have been studied individually and
in various combinations. 59 The
short-chain fatty acid butyrate was reported to decrease transfusion
requirements in transfusion-dependent _-thalassemia
patients for 7 years.93 Erythropoietin administration is capable of increasing
thalassemic erythropoiesis, mainly in patients
with TI but also in those with E-ß--thalassemia, without
increasing HbF. Patients with low endogenous erythropoietin levels have been reported
to respond to the combination of erythropoietin and butyrate.93 Hydroxyurea
(HU), which is very effective in increasing HbF levels, has been used
extensively for many years in
patients with sickle cell anemia (SCA).
However, the experience in thalassemia is limited.Asubstantial decrease in
transfusion requirements and/or an increase in Hb levels, which may have been correlated
with haplotypes, has been reported during a 6-year follow-up of 149 of 163
patients with ß--thalassemia in
Iran subsequent to their receiving a dose of 8-12 mg/kg per day.60,61 One of the major concerns is possible
effects of HU on fertility, pregnancy or the risk of malignancy. However, the
long-term experience with HU in SCA has ruled out these options62 Most
recently, decitabine and HQK-1001, new fetal globin inducers that stimulate
fetal globin induction through the proximal promoter and also exhibit
erythropoietic-stimulatory effects, are being studied.59 Another potential strategy is to develop
techniques to silence HbF suppression. Recently, the molecular basis of the HbF
to HbA switch identified a variation in chromosome 11-encoding locus BCL11A (,B cell lymphoma-leukemia 11A)
which was found to be associated with the level of HbF in patients with
thalassemia and to be a regulator of gama-globin
expression. Knockdown of BCL11A expression
resulted in reactivation of HbF expression, which inversely correlated with the
level of HbF.63
Gene Therapy
Continuous improvements in the
traditional care of β-thalassemia has
ameliorated the quality of life and greatly improved the life expectancy.64,65 Despite these results, until recently a
definitive cure could only be achieved with bone marrow transplantation (BMT)
from related or unrelated donors. However, BMT is only available for a minority
of patients and bears a significant risk of mortality and morbility, especially
when the donor is unrelated.66 In the
search for a more general and
definitive cure, hematologists have pursued alternative strategies aimed at correcting the
defective β-globin gene by either
gene transfer of a normal β-globin
gene or substitution of the defective gene by homologous recombination.
Although gene therapy would have been theoretically possible soon after the
discovery and cloning of the human globin genes, for many years two main obstacles
have hampered the progress in this field.67
The first obstacle has been the extremely complex regulation of the globin genes
that has taken decades to at least partially unravel. The second and equally
obstacle has been the lack of an
optimal vector for gene transfer into quiescent
hematopoietic stem cells (HSC).
Murine ß-
thalassemia models have been successfully cured with the use of a retroviral
vector (TN39) transferring the human ß--globin
gene sequence and its promoter region into murine stem cells of TI and TM mice.68,69 _ ß-Globin gene transfer into
progenitor hematopoietic cells of humans is also being studied.70,71 However, concerns regarding gene transfer
include the need for improved efficiency
of gene delivery and mastery of vector
stability, viral titers, nononcogenic insertion, the variable expression of
globin genes, and the variable contributions of the ß-thalassemia phenotype and
other modifiers to the effectiveness of gene transfer.
Gene therapy is a promising approach to
curing thalassemia but is still in the early investigational phase trials
Although, it is not a part of this write
up, it is important to stress that the most important advance in the field of thalassemia
is its prevention. This has been very
Successfully achieved in Mediterranean countries i.e.,
Greece, Cyprus and Sardinia.
There are four important aspects of prevention :
• Awareness
• Detection of
• Effective
• Prenatal
Over last two decades, the programme has
been successfully implicated in major cities of India. However, the desired goal of
zero birth rate of thalassaemia has remained a distant goal. Bangladesh
needs such programme to prevent halassemia and to reach the desired goal But in the absence of a national thalassemia
prevention programme, this still remains a difficult but extremely desirable
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