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Vaccine efficacy and iron deficiency: an intertwined pair

Vaccine efficacy and iron deficiency: an intertwined pair?

Hal Drakesmith, Sant-Rayn Pasricha, Ioav Cabantchik, Chaim Hershko, Guenter Weiss, Domenico Girelli, Nicole Stoffel, Martina U Muckenthaler, Elizabeta Nemeth, Clara Camaschella, Paul Klenerman, Michael B Zimmermann

Vaccines are the most effective measure to prevent deaths and illness from infectious diseases. Nevertheless, the efficacy of several paediatric vaccines is lower in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), where mortality from vaccine-preventable infections remains high. Vaccine efficacy can also be decreased in adults in the context of some common comorbidities. Identifying and correcting the specific causes of impaired vaccine efficacy is of substantial value to global health. Iron deficiency is the most common micronutrient deficiency worldwide, affecting more than 2 billion people, and its prevalence in LMICs could increase as food security is threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this Viewpoint, we highlight evidence showing that iron deficiency limits adaptive immunity and responses to vaccines, representing an under-appreciated additional disadvantage to iron deficient populations. We propose a framework for urgent detailed studies of iron–vaccine interactions to investigate and clarify the issue. This framework includes retrospective analysis of newly available datasets derived from trials of COVID-19 and other vaccines, and prospective testing of whether nutritional iron interventions, commonly used worldwide to combat anaemia, improve vaccine performance.


As the COVID-19 vaccine rollout proceeds worldwide, attention is increasingly being paid to vaccination of patient groups with underlying ailments that can affect vaccine efficacy. In February, 2021, The European Hematology Association (EHA) issued a series of expert opinions on vaccination in individuals with haematological conditions. One states the following: “Data on the COVID-19 vaccine in the context of chronic iron deficiency is still scarce. However, it is advisable to correct the iron deficiency before administration of the COVID-19 vaccine.”1 This short comment points to advances in basic and global health research on the role of iron in immunity, indicates an important and plausible area of concern, and illuminates a knowledge gap that pertains not only to COVID-19 but to vaccination programmes in general.

Iron is a nutrient required for immunity 

Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia are highly prevalent worldwide.2 Studies over the previous decades have suggested a potential association between iron deficiency and decreased immunity and poorer response to some vaccines.3–5 In 2016, a rare mutation impairing the ability of cells to take up iron was found to cause severe immunodeficiency rather than iron deficiency anaemia, revealing the unsuspected sensitivity of adaptive immune responses to iron deprivation.6 Subsequent preclinical work has clearly shown that low serum iron and iron deficiency, both of which decrease the availability of iron to cells, can impair immune responses to vaccination and infection.7,8 Studies in African children have indicated the effects of anaemia on immune development,9 and people with a rare inherited form of iron deficiency anaemia have lower concentrations of some vaccine-inducible antibodies than people without this condition.7 Together these studies suggest that the iron status of individuals can affect responses to immunisation.

Iron deficiency and reduced efficacy of vaccines 

The effect that iron status has on responses to vaccines was brought into sharper focus by analyses in Kenyan children. In this cohort, anaemia and iron deficiency at time of vaccination were strong predictors of decreased responses to diphtheria, pertussis, and pneumococcal vaccines.10 Moreover, in a randomised trial of Kenyan infants who were iron deficient, ironcontaining micronutrient powders given at time of vaccination increased anti-measles antibody avidity and seroconversion after primary measles vaccination, again suggesting that iron availability is a limiting factor affecting vaccine efficacy in this population.10 Notwithstanding the huge benefits vaccination programmes have brought to global health, some vaccines have variable efficacy in different populations, age groups, and in the context of particular underlying conditions. The reasons for this variable efficacy remain unclear. Although many factors have been shown to influence vaccine efficacy,11 we have noted an unappreciated epidemiological overlap between lower vaccine efficacy and higher prevalence of iron deficiency and anaemia. For example, rotavirus vaccines and live attenuated influenza vaccines in infant populations in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs),12,13 hepatitis B vaccines in patients with chronic kidney disease or coeliac disease,14,15 and influenza vaccines in older people,16,17 all represent instances where lower efficacy has been reported and where iron deficiency is common

Iron deficiency anaemia is a leading global cause of years lived with disability, especially affecting LMIC populations.18 A stated aim of WHO is to decrease the prevalence of anaemia in women of reproductive age by 50% by 2025.19 However, projected increases in atmospheric CO2 are predicted to increase the prevalence of nutritional iron deficiency through effects on iron content of food crops.20 Furthermore, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has increased food insecurity in

LMICs,21 potentially exacerbating iron deficiency in the shorter term. Therefore, if iron deficiency also impairs the efficacy of some vaccines in addition to the recognised contributions to anaemia and cognitive impairment,2 then the existing and future impact of iron deficiency on global health might be underestimated. From this perspective we consider investigation of further effects of iron deficiency and iron supplementation on vaccines to be both timely and necessary.

Key unknowns and how to address them 

It is not understood which vaccines in which populations are impaired by iron deficiency. For example, although indicators of iron deficiency anaemia were strong predictors of poor response to diphtheria and pertussis in Kenyan infants, in the same children there was no such association between iron deficiency anaemia and response to tetanus or Hib vaccines.10 The basis of this selectivity of effect is unclear but might reside in quantitative and qualitative effects of iron on immunity. Another unknown is the degree of iron deficiency that is required to affect immune responses to vaccines, or whether other nutritional deficiencies, or inflammatory conditions, can exacerbate the effects of iron deficiency. Moreover, it is not known which of the different branches of the immune system are most sensitive to iron deficiency, or how the development and maintenance of immune memory is affected by iron. Iron deficiency not only arises from a lack of dietary iron, but also during inflammation (eg, from bacterial infection or chronic kidney disease), which drives iron retention in myeloid immune cells, eventually causing functional iron deficiency and anaemia of inflammation.22 Other causes of iron deficiency and anaemia can be hip fracture or colon neoplasia.2 Given the variable underlying pathophysiology, these types of iron deficiency resulting from different causes could have distinct effects on adaptive immunity and responses to vaccination.

Considerable progress in these areas could be made by retrospective analyses of samples from the many vaccine trials that take place in LMICs and high-income countries each year, to assess links between iron status and vaccine efficacy at individual and population level. Key iron-associated parameters to measure should include transferrin saturation and serum iron, which reflect the circulating iron compartment (the source of iron for the responding immune system); ferritin, which reflects iron stores; and soluble transferrin receptor, which indicates erythropoiesis. Markers of inflammation should also be assessed, because inflammation suppresses serum iron, through induction of hepcidin, and increases ferritin. Conversely, immunological endpoints (eg, vaccineinduced antibody responses) could be added to clinical trials investigating iron interventions. Successful exploitation of datasets will require cross-disciplinary collaboration between nutritionists, immunologists, vaccinologists, haematologists, and global health practitioners. With respect to COVID-19 vaccines, evidence is that vaccine efficacy is remarkably high,23–25 even among premenopausal women and older populations in whom iron deficiency and anaemia are relatively common. These efficacy data suggest that the aforementioned EHA guideline, recommending correction of iron deficiency before COVID-19 vaccination, might (in the context of a rapidly spreading virus) be overly cautious. Nevertheless, immune responses to COVID-19 vaccines appear to be slower to develop in older people. Moreover, with the emergence of relatively vaccine-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants, characterising the speed and duration of response to COVID-19 vaccines in different 

Search strategy and selection criteria 

We searched PubMed with the terms “iron and immunity”, “iron and vaccine”, and “iron and immune response”, without applying any date or language restrictions. The last search was done on April 15, 2021. We used previous reviews of older studies on iron–immunity interactions and focused on the most recent primary literature advancing knowledge of how iron affects immune responses. We integrated key background information summarising the causes and prevalence of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia with several studies highlighting examples of variable efficacy of some vaccines in different population types.

contexts, including iron deficiency, is necessary to model expected benefits of the vaccination rollout.26 Clinical trials on immune responses to COVID-19 vaccines have provided rich data, which could be interrogated to test for signals of the effects of iron deficiency on the immunogenicity of the vaccines. Iron supplements in oral or intravenous form are commonly used to restore haemoglobin concentrations and counteract systemic iron deficiency. Timing and dosages of iron interventions are continually being optimised,27,28 providing an excellent knowledge base from which to launch prospective tests on how iron affects response to dif­ferent vaccines across different types of iron-deficient populations. If successful, this has great promise, because even small increases in vaccine efficacy, driven by inexpensive iron supplements and fortificants, could translate to substantial improvement in mortality at a global scale, potentially altering the overall risk–benefit and cost–benefit considerations for these interventions.29 The type and amount of iron given will necessarily vary depending on the target population— eg, infants receiving vaccines as part of the Expanded Programme on Immunization, patients with chronic kidney disease receiving hepatitis B vaccines, or older people receiving influenza vaccines. Condition-specific scenarios must be taken into account; for example, iron is given to alleviate anaemia in chronic kidney disease, but is often co-administered with erythropoietin, which might divert iron to the erythron and away from the immune system.

Iron is a key nutrient affecting immunity, and iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia remain major global health problems (figure). Vaccine efficacy could be compromised in the many population groups who have iron deficiency and anaemia, further affecting their health. Emerging data support this concept, urgently calling for further investigation to delineate and quantify this hitherto under-recognised effect of iron deficiency. Potential effects of iron deficiency on the quality, magnitude, and duration of the immune response to COVID-19 vaccines should be investigated, although the high efficacy of these vaccines argues against delaying vaccination in order to correct iron deficiency. Prospective trials of iron supplementation in iron deficient populations receiving vaccines that are known to have variable efficacy are recommended. We encourage a concerted crossdisciplinary effort and open sharing of data to make rapid progress and improve defences against infectious diseases. Contributors HD, CH, IC, and PK were responsible for the conceptualisation of the study. HD did the literature search and wrote the original draft of the manuscript. HD, CH, IC, MUM, EN, CC, NS, S-RP, MBZ, GW, PK, and DG reviewed and edited the manuscript. DG made the figure. All authors critically reviewed the Viewpoint and approved the final version for submission.

1 Dufour C, Papadaki H, Warren A, et al. Expert opinions for COVID-19 vaccination in patients with non-malignant hematologic diseases. European Hematology Association. covid-19/eha-statement-on-covid-19-vaccines/recommendations-forcovid-19-vaccination-in-patients-with-non-malignant-hematologicdiseases/ (accessed June 24, 2021). 

2 Camaschella C. Iron deficiency. Blood 2019; 133: 30–39. 

3 Oppenheimer SJ. Iron and its relation to immunity and infectious disease. J Nutr 2001; 131: 616–33S. 

4 Savy M, Edmond K, Fine PEM, et al. Landscape analysis of interactions between nutrition and vaccine responses in children. J Nutr 2009; 139: 2154–218S. 

5 Brussow H, Sidoti J, Dirren H, Freire WB. Effect of malnutrition in Ecuadorian children on titers of serum antibodies to various microbial antigens. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 1995; 2: 62–68. 

6 Jabara HH, Boyden SE, Chou J, et al. A missense mutation in TFRC, encoding transferrin receptor 1, causes combined immunodeficiency. Nat Genet 2016; 48: 74–78. 

7 Frost JN, Tan TK, Abbas M, et al. Hepcidin-mediated hypoferremia disrupts immune responses to vaccination and infection. Med (NY) 2021; 2: 164–79.e12.

8 Jiang Y, Li C, Wu Q, et al. Iron-dependent histone 3 lysine 

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10: 2935. 9 Hill DL, Carr EJ, Rutishauser T, et al. Immune system development varies according to age, location, and anemia in African children. Sci Transl Med 2020; 12: eaaw9522. 

10 Stoffel NU, Uyoga MA, Mutuku FM, et al. Iron deficiency anemia at time of vaccination predicts decreased vaccine response and iron supplementation at time of vaccination increases humoral vaccine response: a birth cohort study and a randomized trial follow-up study in Kenyan infants. Front Immunol 2020; 11: 1313. 

11 Zimmermann P, Curtis N. Factors that influence the immune response to vaccination. Clin Microbiol Rev 2019; 32: e00084-18. 

12 Burnett E, Parashar UD, Tate JE. Real-world effectiveness of rotavirus vaccines, 2006–19: a literature review and meta-analysis. Lancet Glob Health 2020; 8: e1195–202. 

13 Victor JC, Lewis KDC, Diallo A, et al. Efficacy of a Russian-backbone live attenuated influenza vaccine among children in Senegal: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Glob Health 2016; 4: e955–65. 

14 Passanisi S, Dipasquale V, Romano C. Vaccinations and immune response in celiac disease. Vaccines (Basel) 2020; 8: 278. 

15 Udomkarnjananun S, Takkavatakarn K, Praditpornsilpa K, et al. Hepatitis B virus vaccine immune response and mortality in dialysis patients: a meta-analysis. J Nephrol 2020; 33: 343–54. 

16 Cunningham AL, McIntyre P, Subbarao K, Booy R, Levin MJ. Vaccines for older adults. BMJ 2021; 372: n188. 

17 Fülöp T Jr, Wagner JR, Khalil A, Weber J, Trottier L, Payette H. Relationship between the response to influenza vaccination and the nutritional status in institutionalized elderly subjects. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 1999; 54: M59–64. 

18 Vos T, Abajobir AA, Abbafati C, et al. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet 2017; 390: 1211–59. 

19 WHO. Global nutrition targets 2025: anaemia policy brief (WHO/NMH/NHD/14.4). Geneva: World Health Organization, 2014. (accessed June 24, 2021). 

20 Beach RH, Sulser TB, Crimmins A, et al. Combining the effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide on protein, iron, and zinc availability and projected climate change on global diets: a modelling study. Lancet Planet Health 2019; 3: e307–17. 

21 Hamadani JD, Hasan MI, Baldi AJ, et al. Immediate impact of stay-at-home orders to control COVID-19 transmission on socioeconomic conditions, food insecurity, mental health, and intimate partner violence in Bangladeshi women and their families: an interrupted time series. Lancet Glob Health 2020; 8: e1380–89. 

22 Weiss G, Ganz T, Goodnough LT. Anemia of inflammation. Blood 2019; 133: 40–50. 

23 Baden LR, El Sahly HM, Essink B, et al. Efficacy and safety of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. N Engl J Med 2021; 384: 403–16. 

24 Polack FP, Thomas SJ, Kitchin N, et al. Safety and efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccine. N Engl J Med 2020; 383: 2603–15. 

25 Voysey M, Clemens SAC, Madhi SA, et al. Safety and efficacy of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (AZD1222) against SARS-CoV-2: an interim analysis of four randomised controlled trials in Brazil, South Africa, and the UK. Lancet 2021; 397: 99–111. 

26 Moore S, Hill EM, Tildesley MJ, Dyson L, Keeling MJ. Vaccination and non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19: a mathematical modelling study. Lancet Infect Dis 2021; 21: 793–802.

 27 Stoffel NU, Cercamondi CI, Brittenham G, et al. Iron absorption from oral iron supplements given on consecutive versus alternate days and as single morning doses versus twice-daily split dosing in iron-depleted women: two open-label, randomised controlled trials. Lancet Haematol 2017; 4: e524–33. 

28 Uyoga MA, Mikulic N, Paganini D, et al. The effect of iron dosing schedules on plasma hepcidin and iron absorption in Kenyan infants. Am J Clin Nutr 2020; 4: 1132–41. 

29 Pasricha SR, Gheorghe A, Sakr-Ashour F, et al. Net benefit and cost-effectiveness of universal iron-containing multiple micronutrient powders for young children in 78 countries: a microsimulation study. Lancet Glob Health 2020; 8: e1071–80.


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